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Research to Drive Results

Smart data for smart branding and marketing

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Without data, you're just another person with an opinion.

W. Edwards Deming

Leave the Guesswork Behind. Build a Brand on Data, Not Opinion.

“Know thy customer” may be Marketing 101, but it’s rare that companies act on more than assumptions and guesses.

This lack of understanding is one of the biggest mistake we see brands of all sizes make—and it costs companies tens of thousands of dollars and hundreds of wasted hours each year.

This is why REDKOR’s complete branding system starts with research and relies on sound data at all phases of branding and marketing.

Whether you’re re-doing your brand or are looking for research-driven marketing campaigns, we have the research team you need.

What could a solid research foundation do for your marketing? Find out today!

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REDKOR’S Research Process

The most effective branding is built on knowing your company, product, and customer inside and out—which is why we’ve built research into every project.

Stakeholder Audit

We meet with your core group of internal stakeholders to establish a baseline of your brand’s identity and mission, uncovering opinions and biases along the way.

Audience Survey

Seeing yourself through your customers’ eyes helps you identify just what makes you different! We’ll conduct surveys with key audience segments to reveal these crucial insights.

Emotional Map

With data from both your internal and external audiences, we’ll put together an Emotional Map that will rank order the features, benefits, and emotions driving your success.

Get to the Heart

Customers buy on emotions. But if you don’t know which emotions drive YOUR customers, you’re playing from behind. With research, you move beyond guessing to uncover reality so your marketing and sales efforts can be more effective.

We make these insights accessible in our proprietary Emotional Map.

Request Free Brand Review

We love REDKOR! We have been working with Rushford for years to develop branding for over 4 companies and each experience gets better. They always work hard to hit deadlines and make sure to understand the customer we are talking to, which is rare from what we've seen.

Branding is ALL about the customer not our opinions, and their process takes the guesswork and debate out of the way and helps us focus on the right things.

Whitney MeineEating to Live

Research Options for All Your Questions:


As the foundation for all of our branding projects, this survey collects the data needed to build a standout effective brand.

Concept Testing

This research option helps you evaluate a new brand concept before going to market to ensure success.

Package Testing

You have seconds for your packaging to make a good impression—this survey evaluates how well it’s working.


City leaders love this holistic resident survey as it helps them focus on the priorities that matter most.


After a big event, disaster, or challenge, this is the survey to determine what worked and where to improve.


When you need to gauge resident support for complex ideas, this survey offers reliable feedback.


Understand employee priorities with a survey designed around key measures and high participation.

Communication Planning

Discover what messages should be at the forefront of your communications with a survey focused on your audience’s’ needs.


Need something unique? Our industry-leading research partners can design the best survey solution for your needs.

Let’s discuss your research needs!

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