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Branding is a marketing activity that shapes one’s brand. It’s designed for a brand to stand out to its consumers so that their consumers will want to know more about a product or a service being offered. The goal is for the consumers to not just be one-time buyers but be lifetime buyers. For that to happen, the brand should be able to grab the consumers’ attention and their emotions in their marketing campaigns. That is why we develop a Brand PlayBook for our clients.
REDKOR believes that content is an essential element of a brand’s marketing campaign. It starts with an understanding of the emotions and words that drive your consumers.
Good content starts with understanding the consumer’s language, the benefits they are looking for, and the emotions that drive them. This is why you should research both your customer and their clients, to see how well their understanding lines up. In coming up with such content, a content creator must consider the following elements in his/her creation process:
1. What are the key ideas and concepts that specifically define the brand?
A list of key ideas that define a brand is pivotal to starting the content creation process. When a brand knows what it wants to be defined, it would be easier to determine how its consumers want to be perceived.
2. What are the top benefits that the consumers are looking for?
Once the brand knows what the consumers want, they must build their content around such needs. Then they should incorporate strategic measures that communicate these benefits.
3. What are the top emotions that are driving the customers to love your brand?
It is essential to know which specific emotions are inviting the consumers to a brand. Content creators must focus on those emotions in their content creation process. Try adding photos and visuals to drive emotional responses.
4. What are the “why’s” of what makes your brand valuable to the consumers?
Consider the additional questions “What makes my brand unique?”, “What does my brand provide to the consumers that other brands do not?”, and “What difference does my brand make to a specific group of people?”
5. What does your brand stand for?
Think of the brand’s taglines, mission statement, offers, etc. Are they reflected in the content that is being created?
Since content is an essential element of a brand’s marketing campaign, consider the questions above to shape your brand.
The questions above will shape your content into being effective and far-reaching to your consumers. Ultimately, it will also solidify your brand in general.
For REDKOR, creating a brand and PlayBook means having a reliable system to showcase your vision, mission, and purpose in a way that resonates and connects with customers. In addition, we design images, colors, photography, fonts, and elements that reinforce your message and inspire consumer confidence. REDKOR’s strategy organizes consumers’ emotional responses and memories with your brand and quantifies the why behind the design choices.
Do you have a branding challenge that you need help with? We’ve been creating and recreating brands for over 25 years. We have the expertise and tools to help you create a brand PlayBook that will get everyone rowing in the same direction.
Give us a call: 801.372.0213 | REDKORBRANDS.COM