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According to Marion Milner, “Colour is, on the evidence of language alone, very bound up with the feelings.”

You want your brand to become irreplaceable to your audience, creating lifelong relationships with them. To do this and stand out in the marketplace, you need to emotionally connect with them through many elements, one of which is color. You want them to fall in love with your brand, trust it, and believe you, your product, and your brand are the best solutions for them.

As seen in the REDKOR Brand PlayBooks, we aim to inspire this loyalty to our consumers. In order to do this, we need to know what our consumers think and then use in their own words, stories and emotions to speak back to them the objectives, standpoint, attributes, benefits, and emotions of their brand using the right colors.

In REDKOR, below are some questions that we consider when choosing a color for our customers’ brands, that you can also consider:

  1. What mood would you like your consumers to feel by your brand?
  2. How do you want your brand to be perceived by your customer?
  3. Who is your target audience? Where are they from?
  4. What historical or cultural background does your target audience have? What is their predominant race, age, social class, gender, and religion? Does this affect the type of colors that you would use?
  5. What is your brand’s archetype? What color best represents that archetype?

Your goal should be to have a color palette you can own that helps distinguish your brand from the competition. This color palette will become an easily recognizable element, building your brand equity. Being consistent in your colors ensures your brand is recognizable no matter the media or situation.

In REDKOR, vendors need to be held to a high standard when they duplicate our colors in any medium. That consistency builds brand equity, and a consistent brand communicates value and trust.

Ultimately, the brand colors should be simple, clean, and clear. The goal is to help consumers think of bright, effective, enhanced, and energetic minds.


Creating a brand means having a reliable system to showcase your vision, mission, and purpose in a way that resonates and connects with customers. In a REDKOR Brand PlayBook, you will find images, colors, photography, and elements that reinforce your message and inspire consumer confidence. REDKOR’s strategy organizes emotional responses and memories consumers have with your brand and quantifies the why behind the design choices.
Do you have a branding challenge that you need help with? We’ve been creating and recreating the REDKOR Brand PlayBook for over 25 years. We have the expertise and tools to help.
Give us a call: 801.372.0213 | REDKORBRANDS.COM