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REDKOR Brands has been helping companies create impactful brands for nearly 25 years. In helping with 500+ brands, we’ve learned a thing or two about what makes for a successful brand. We’ve pulled together a list of the 5 things every successful brand must have—and it’s ever evolving. 

 #1: Consistency – A consistent look, message, and emotional connection as well as the ability to keep the brand consistent across all of those channels.

 #2: A Style Guide – An easy-to-access style and messaging guide that gets and keeps everyone—from management to employees to vendors—on the same page and moving in the same direction.

 #3: Established Messaging – A message that’s focused on your actual customer. You need to know who that person is, their gender, their age, their lifestyle, etc. Without that background everything you do could be missing your audience.

 #4: Storytelling – A story within your brand that’s easy to see and makes it easy for everyone to start telling your brand story, whether they’re on your marketing team, they work the front desk, or they’re a loyal customer.

 #5: VIsual Memorability – A logo or mark that catches attention, sticks in people’s memories, and starts to communicate what you do so your audience can quickly understand the value you offer them.

 So there you have it! Those are the 5 things we see time and again in the brands we build as well as those of other successful companies. 

What’s your experience been? What have you seen work? We’d love to hear your thoughts on if there’s anything missing from our list.